Music and Tech

Music and Tech

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Onward and Forward


There is so much I don't know!  But that is okay, and I invite anyone to embrace their own lack of experience to embark a learning adventure of their own.  I feel over the past few days I've been tripping as I've been trying to progress, part of it being a busy life, another part getting confused with how to do some of the assignments asked of me.  I get picky with aesthetics, and when things don't go my way, frustration ensues.  Then I research, and find out if what I want to do is even possible or not, which helps either way with my frustration!

Over the past few days I've found myself reading quite a few blogs, watching some videos (course based!), and reading about the direction of education as we know it.  I've added some links to the side bar that I've come across over the past few days, and wanted to share.  One of which, something that I found extremely cool, is a video about a Virtual Choir.

Originally, I was expecting synthesized voices, but was pleasantly surprised that through YouTube, artists collaborated without even knowing each other to create an incredible piece.  Eric Whitacre, the composer and speaker in the video, address the need of humans to connect to others, and I think through knowledge of that need, embracing it, and using technology as well as a social medium that many students embrace above others, can benefit the education world greatly.

As I continue to read and learn, there is a lot of discussion around collaborative, high order thinking, and creativity from the students that is being, ultimately, sought out.  Our roles as teachers have changed from lecturers to learning facilitators in many regards.  That is not to say we do no explicitly teach material, rather, we teach material and skill sets, and, correct me if I'm wrong, but try to engage students in their own learning through allowing them to explore and discover on their own terms.  We as teachers needs to keep them safe and knowledgeable in regards to how to keep themselves safe when we are not looking over their shoulder, and I think that latter part is paramount.  We need to let go when we feel it is safe for students to engage in their learning with teachers taking the back seat (or at least, the passenger seat).

The important thing to remember, is just because you're not physically driving, doesn't mean you can fall asleep!  Be a navigator, and an extra set of eyes, and everyone will arrive safely at an incredible destination.

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